Cara Membuat Program Barcode Dengan Visual Basic

Posted By admin On 05.01.21
Cara Membuat Program Barcode Dengan Visual Basic Rating: 8,1/10 584 reviews
23 - Comments › ▲▲▲ Cara Membuat Program Barcode Dengan Visual Basic

Melalui situs internet Anda juga dapat membuat barcode dengan mudah menggunakan program Excel. Barcode yang dibuat oleh Microsoft Excel ini dapat langsung Anda cetak sendiri dan ditempelkan pada produk-produk yang diinginkan. Berikut ini cara membuatnya. Akses tautan berikutnya klik menu Font Tools. Hal ini merupakan salah satu yang mendasar agar anda bisa menerapkan cara membuat program sederhana menggunakan Visual Basic. Dengan mempelajari Visual Basic maka nantinya Anda bisa mempelajari bahasa pemrograman yang lain dengan lebih mudah. Visual Basic merupakan dasar pemrograman yang merupakan fondasi dari bahasa pemrograman yang lainnya.

Membuat Program Barcode. Memulai Visual Basic Proyek. Dari program barcode maker yang kita akan buat.Untuk desain anda bisa membuat sesuai dengan. Cara mengatasi Error Database Program Absensi http. Dengan Visual Basic 6.0 dan Barcode. Membuat absensi.

I am attempting to take a string and convert it into a code 128 barcode in I am a novice programmer and was wondering what some people thought would be the best design practices for accomplishing this.

A simple google search has yielded a few seemingly free solutions to this. example

I could also attempt to do this myself, but I'm not sure the exact method of converting strings into barcodes.I am going to keep looking into this but if someone knew this off the top of their head already it could save me some time.

Thanks in advance

5 Answers

If you don't want to write any code for string conversion in barcode and don't want to buy an external component, you can use the ItextSharp library ( ) which is in my opinion the simplest way to achieve your goal. You can find several resources online and on stackoverflow too for itextsharp, mostly in c# but also

for barcode generation code you can have a look here:


Have a look at the following codeproject page - Barcode Image Generation Library

This allows you to generate a barcode image in your desired format from a string.

It should be enough to get you started

The following examples are taken from

Generate barcode

Draw and Print

Yvette ColombYvette Colomb

You need to question your goal. That answer will drive your methodology.

  • Rapid development and completion
  • Learning experience
  • Cheap / free (sweat-equity excluded)

Your google link shows a product that displays sample code on that very page. What's wrong with that?

The Pocket Watch Database has compiled data covering the major American pocket watch manufacturers and created an easy way to find information using the serial number on the watch movement. Here are a few tips to find information about your pocket watch: Always input the serial number from the pocket watch movement (the 'mechanism' of the watch). Serial Number Lookups Hamilton Seth Thomas Seth Thomas Company Tower Clock Records, Thomaston, Connecticut. These volumes record the tower clocks produced and sold by the Seth Thomas Tower Clock Company from the years 1873 to 1941. This project has been generously funded by several NAWCC Members and Chapters. The documents are very large files; therefore, please. Record watch company serial numbers list. You should consult the serial number table for the specific brand of watch movement you are trying to date by selecting a company from the menu on the left. Not all vintage watches can be dated using the serial number. Some American watch brands did not use a consistent series of serial numbers, but most of the big manufacturers did. Contact the Webmaster for perceived copyright infringement (DMCA Registration Number 1010287). The NAWCC is dedicated to providing association services, promoting interest in and encouraging the collecting of clocks and watches including disseminating knowledge of the same. Website Design & Hosting Provided By EZMarketing.

What is your target output? A report object, or will you print directly to the printer/label?

Cara membuat program barcode dengan visual basic powerpoint

You can generate and output the code128 images in VB programming with this code . Refer to the following Visual Basic sample code,you can try to generate code128 in

Tera chehra adnan sami album. SongsPK Android App Avaiable on Play Store. Download Complete Adnan Sami Khan - Tera Chehra Artists music album from SongsPK,

VB Sample code


protected by CommunityMar 26 at 19:04

Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).
Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged vb.netvisual-studio-2010barcodecode128 or ask your own question.

Kode di bawah ini akan menunjukkan cara untuk input data ke dalam kotak teks dan mendapatkan barcode dari gambar itu. Anda juga akan mempelajari bagaimana untuk bekerja dengan clipboard checksum dan kontrol.
Untuk menggunakan, baru memulai Visual Basic Proyek, menambahkan formulir untuk proyek dan paste kode di bawah ini ke dalamnya. Anda akan memiliki visual untuk membuat kotak (qty4), tombol perintah, frame (qty2), label, tombol pilihan (qty4), gambar kotak (qty2) dan kotak teks.

Berikut tampilan preview dari program barcode maker yang kita akan buat.Untuk desain anda bisa membuat sesuai dengan

Option Explicit
Dim BCtype As Long

Private Sub makeBC()
Select Case BCtype
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub make39()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim CurVal As Long
Dim chksum As Long
Dim chkchr As String
Dim temp As String
Dim BC(43) As String
'3 of the 9 elements are wide: 0=narrow, 1=wide
BC(0) = '000110100' '0
BC(1) = '100100001' '1
BC(2) = '001100001' '2
BC(3) = '101100000' '3
BC(4) = '000110001' '4
BC(5) = '100110000' '5
BC(6) = '001110000' '6
BC(7) = '000100101' '7
BC(8) = '100100100' '8
BC(9) = '001100100' '9
BC(10) = '100001001' 'A
BC(11) = '001001001' 'B
BC(12) = '101001000' 'C
BC(13) = '000011001' 'D
BC(14) = '100011000' 'E
BC(15) = '001011000' 'F
BC(16) = '000001101' 'G
BC(17) = '100001100' 'H
BC(18) = '001001100' 'I
BC(19) = '000011100' 'J
BC(20) = '100000011' 'K
BC(21) = '001000011' 'L
BC(22) = '101000010' 'M
BC(23) = '000010011' 'N
BC(24) = '100010010' 'O
BC(25) = '001010010' 'P
BC(26) = '000000111' 'Q
BC(27) = '100000110' 'R
BC(28) = '001000110' 'S
BC(29) = '000010110' 'T
BC(30) = '110000001' 'U
BC(31) = '011000001' 'V
BC(32) = '111000000' 'W
BC(33) = '010010001' 'X
BC(34) = '110010000' 'Y
BC(35) = '011010000' 'Z
BC(36) = '010000101' '-
BC(37) = '110000100' '.
BC(38) = '011000100' '
BC(39) = '010101000' '$
BC(40) = '010100010' '/
BC(41) = '010001010' '+
BC(42) = '000101010' '%
BC(43) = '010010100' '* (used for start/stop character only)
If Text1.Text = ' Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = UCase(Text1.Text)
'Check for invalid characters, build temp string & calculate check sum
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
Select Case Cur
Case '0' To '9'
CurVal = Val(Cur)
Case 'A' To 'Z'
CurVal = Asc(Cur) - 55
Case '-'
CurVal = 36
Case '.'
CurVal = 37
Case ' '
CurVal = 38
Case '$'
CurVal = 39
Case '/'
CurVal = 40
Case '+'
CurVal = 41
Case '%'
CurVal = 42
Case Else 'oops!
Picture1.Print Cur & ' is Invalid'
Exit Sub
End Select
temp = temp & BC(CurVal) & '0' '0'= add intercharactor gap (1 narrow space)
chksum = chksum + CurVal
'Add Check Character? (rarely used, but i put it here anyway.)
If Check1(2).Value Then
chksum = chksum Mod 43
temp = temp & BC(chksum) & '0'
chkchr = Mid$('0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%*', chksum + 1, 1)
End If
'Add Start & Stop characters (must have 'em for valid barcodes)
temp = BC(43) & '0' & temp & BC(43)
'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If

'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 35 + Len(Bardata) * (5 + Check1(0).Value * 2) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata & chkchr;
End If
End Sub

Private Sub makei25()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim temp As String
Dim chksum As Long
Dim BC(11) As String
'2 of the 5 elements are wide: 0=narrow, 1=wide
BC(0) = '00110' '0
BC(1) = '10001' '1
BC(2) = '01001' '2
BC(3) = '11000' '3
BC(4) = '00101' '4
BC(5) = '10100' '5
BC(6) = '01100' '6
BC(7) = '00011' '7
BC(8) = '10010' '8
BC(9) = '01010' '9
BC(10) = '0000' 'Start chr
BC(11) = '100' 'Stop chr
If Text1.Text = ' Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = Text1.Text
'make even num of digits by adding a leading 0
If Len(Bardata) Mod 2 And Not Check1(2).Value Then Bardata = '0' & Bardata
If Not (Len(Bardata) Mod 2) And Check1(2).Value Then Bardata = '0' & Bardata
'Check for invalid characters and calculate check sum
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
If Cur < '0' Or Cur > '9' Then
Picture1.Print Cur & ' is Invalid'
Exit Sub
End If
'make checksum
If x Mod 2 Then
chksum = chksum + CLng(Cur) * 3
chksum = chksum + CLng(Cur)
End If
'add check chr to bardata (if selected)
If Check1(2).Value Then
chksum = (10 - chksum Mod 10) Mod 10
Bardata = Bardata & Chr$(48 + chksum)
End If
'interleave the code into a temp string - what'd you think the name meant?
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata) Step 2
For y = 1 To 5
temp = temp & Mid$(BC(Val(Mid$(Bardata, x, 1))), y, 1)
temp = temp & Mid$(BC(Val(Mid$(Bardata, x + 1, 1))), y, 1)
'add Start & Stop characters
temp = BC(10) & temp & BC(11)
'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If

'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 20 + Len(Bardata) * (2 + Check1(0).Value * 1.3) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata;
End If
End Sub

Private Sub make128()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim CurVal As Long
Dim chksum As Long
Dim temp As String
Dim BC(106) As String
'code 128 is basically the ASCII chr set.
'4 element sizes : 1=narrowest, 4=widest
BC(0) = '212222' '
BC(1) = '222122' '!
BC(2) = '222221' '
BC(3) = '121223' '#
BC(4) = '121322' '$
BC(5) = '131222' '%
BC(6) = '122213' '&
BC(7) = '122312' '
BC(8) = '132212' '(
BC(9) = '221213' ')
BC(10) = '221312' '*
BC(11) = '231212' '+
BC(12) = '112232' ',
BC(13) = '122132' '-
BC(14) = '122231' '.
BC(15) = '113222' '/
BC(16) = '123122' '0
BC(17) = '123221' '1
BC(18) = '223211' '2
BC(19) = '221132' '3
BC(20) = '221231' '4
BC(21) = '213212' '5
BC(22) = '223112' '6
BC(23) = '312131' '7
BC(24) = '311222' '8
BC(25) = '321122' '9
BC(26) = '321221' ':
BC(27) = '312212' ';
BC(28) = '322112' '<>
BC(31) = '212321' '?
BC(32) = '232121' '@
BC(33) = '111323' 'A
BC(34) = '131123' 'B
BC(35) = '131321' 'C
BC(36) = '112313' 'D
BC(37) = '132113' 'E
BC(38) = '132311' 'F
BC(39) = '211313' 'G
BC(40) = '231113' 'H
BC(41) = '231311' 'I
BC(42) = '112133' 'J
BC(43) = '112331' 'K
BC(44) = '132131' 'L
BC(45) = '113123' 'M
BC(46) = '113321' 'N
BC(47) = '133121' 'O
BC(48) = '313121' 'P
BC(49) = '211331' 'Q
BC(50) = '231131' 'R
BC(51) = '213113' 'S
BC(52) = '213311' 'T
BC(53) = '213131' 'U
BC(54) = '311123' 'V
BC(55) = '311321' 'W
BC(56) = '331121' 'X
BC(57) = '312113' 'Y
BC(58) = '312311' 'Z
BC(59) = '332111' '[
BC(60) = '314111' '
BC(61) = '221411' ']
BC(62) = '431111' '^
BC(63) = '111224' '_
BC(64) = '111422' '`
BC(65) = '121124' 'a
BC(66) = '121421' 'b
BC(67) = '141122' 'c
BC(68) = '141221' 'd
BC(69) = '112214' 'e
BC(70) = '112412' 'f
BC(71) = '122114' 'g
BC(72) = '122411' 'h
BC(73) = '142112' 'i
BC(74) = '142211' 'j
BC(75) = '241211' 'k
BC(76) = '221114' 'l
BC(77) = '413111' 'm
BC(78) = '241112' 'n
BC(79) = '134111' 'o
BC(80) = '111242' 'p
BC(81) = '121142' 'q
BC(82) = '121241' 'r
BC(83) = '114212' 's
BC(84) = '124112' 't
BC(85) = '124211' 'u
BC(86) = '411212' 'v
BC(87) = '421112' 'w
BC(88) = '421211' 'x
BC(89) = '212141' 'y
BC(90) = '214121' 'z
BC(91) = '412121' '{
BC(92) = '111143' '
BC(93) = '111341' '}
BC(94) = '131141' '~
BC(95) = '114113' ' *not used in this sub
BC(96) = '114311' 'FNC 3 *not used in this sub
BC(97) = '411113' 'FNC 2 *not used in this sub
BC(98) = '411311' 'SHIFT *not used in this sub
BC(99) = '113141' 'CODE C *not used in this sub
BC(100) = '114131' 'FNC 4 *not used in this sub
BC(101) = '311141' 'CODE A *not used in this sub
BC(102) = '411131' 'FNC 1 *not used in this sub
BC(103) = '211412' 'START A *not used in this sub
BC(104) = '211214' 'START B
BC(105) = '211232' 'START C *not used in this sub
BC(106) = '2331112' 'STOP

If Text1.Text = ' Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = Text1.Text

'Check for invalid characters, calculate check sum & build temp string
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
If Cur < ' ' Or Cur > '~' Then
Picture1.Print 'Invalid Character(s)'
Exit Sub
End If
CurVal = Asc(Cur) - 32
temp = temp + BC(CurVal)
chksum = chksum + CurVal * x
'Add start, stop & check characters
chksum = (chksum + 104) Mod 103
temp = BC(104) & temp & BC(chksum) & BC(106)

'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + (Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To (Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If

'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 30 + Len(Bardata) * (3 + Check1(0).Value * 2) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata;
End If
End Sub

Private Sub makeCodabar()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim CurVal As Long
Dim temp As String
Dim BC(19) As String
'Codabar, also known as NW-7
BC(0) = '0000011' '0
BC(1) = '0000110' '1
BC(2) = '0001001' '2
BC(3) = '1100000' '3
BC(4) = '0010010' '4
BC(5) = '1000010' '5
BC(6) = '0100001' '6
BC(7) = '0100100' '7
BC(8) = '0110000' '8
BC(9) = '1001000' '9
BC(10) = '0001100' '-
BC(11) = '0011000' '$
BC(12) = '1000101' ':
BC(13) = '1010001' '/
BC(14) = '1010100' '.
BC(15) = '0010101' '+
BC(16) = '0011010' 'start/stop A
BC(17) = '0101001' 'start/stop B
BC(18) = '0001011' 'start/stop C
BC(19) = '0001110' 'start/stop D
If Text1.Text = ' Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = Text1.Text

For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
Select Case Cur
Case '0' To '9'
CurVal = Val(Cur)
Case 'a' To 'd'
CurVal = Asc(Cur) - 81
Case '-'
CurVal = 10
Case '$'
CurVal = 11
Case ':'
CurVal = 12
Case '/'
CurVal = 13
Case '.'
CurVal = 14
Case '+'
CurVal = 15
Case Else 'oops!
Picture1.Print Cur & ' is Invalid'
Exit Sub
End Select
temp = temp & BC(CurVal) & '0' '0'= add intercharactor gap (1 narrow space)

'Add Start & Stop characters (using 'A' for both here)
temp = BC(16) & '0' & temp & BC(16)
'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If

Membuat Barcode Dengan Visual Basic

'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 30 + Len(Bardata) * (3 + Check1(0).Value * 2) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata;
End If
End Sub

Cara Membuat Program Barcode Dengan Visual Basic Pdf

Private Sub Form_Resize()
Picture1.Width = Form1.Width - 360
End Sub

Cara Membuat Barcode Di Excel

Private Sub Option1_Click(Index As Integer)
Select Case Index
Case 0
Check1(2).ToolTipText = 'Optional'
Check1(2).Value = 0
Check1(2).Enabled = True
Case 1
Check1(2).ToolTipText = 'Optional'
Check1(2).Value = 0
Check1(2).Enabled = True
Case 2
Check1(2).ToolTipText = 'Not optional'
Check1(2).Value = 1
Check1(2).Enabled = False
Case 3
Check1(2).ToolTipText = 'Not used'
Check1(2).Value = 0
Check1(2).Enabled = False
End Select
BCtype = Index
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()
End Sub

Cara Membuat Program Barcode Dengan Visual Basic

Private Sub Check1_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Clipboard.SetData Picture1.Image
End Sub

23 - Comments › ▲▲▲ Cara Membuat Program Barcode Dengan Visual Basic

Membuat Program Barcode. Memulai Visual Basic Proyek. Dari program barcode maker yang kita akan buat.Untuk desain anda bisa membuat sesuai dengan. Cara mengatasi Error Database Program Absensi http. Dengan Visual Basic 6.0 dan Barcode. Membuat absensi.

I am attempting to take a string and convert it into a code 128 barcode in I am a novice programmer and was wondering what some people thought would be the best design practices for accomplishing this.

A simple google search has yielded a few seemingly free solutions to this. example

I could also attempt to do this myself, but I'm not sure the exact method of converting strings into barcodes.I am going to keep looking into this but if someone knew this off the top of their head already it could save me some time.

Thanks in advance

5 Answers

If you don't want to write any code for string conversion in barcode and don't want to buy an external component, you can use the ItextSharp library ( ) which is in my opinion the simplest way to achieve your goal. You can find several resources online and on stackoverflow too for itextsharp, mostly in c# but also

for barcode generation code you can have a look here:


Have a look at the following codeproject page - Barcode Image Generation Library

This allows you to generate a barcode image in your desired format from a string.

It should be enough to get you started

The following examples are taken from

Generate barcode

Draw and Print

Yvette ColombYvette Colomb

You need to question your goal. That answer will drive your methodology.

  • Rapid development and completion
  • Learning experience
  • Cheap / free (sweat-equity excluded)

Your google link shows a product that displays sample code on that very page. What's wrong with that?

What is your target output? A report object, or will you print directly to the printer/label?

You can generate and output the code128 images in VB programming with this code . Refer to the following Visual Basic sample code,you can try to generate code128 in

Tera chehra adnan sami album. SongsPK Android App Avaiable on Play Store. Download Complete Adnan Sami Khan - Tera Chehra Artists music album from SongsPK,

VB Sample code

Cara Membuat Program Barcode Dengan Visual Basic C++


protected by CommunityMar 26 at 19:04

Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).
Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged vb.netvisual-studio-2010barcodecode128 or ask your own question.

Kode di bawah ini akan menunjukkan cara untuk input data ke dalam kotak teks dan mendapatkan barcode dari gambar itu. Anda juga akan mempelajari bagaimana untuk bekerja dengan clipboard checksum dan kontrol.
Untuk menggunakan, baru memulai Visual Basic Proyek, menambahkan formulir untuk proyek dan paste kode di bawah ini ke dalamnya. Anda akan memiliki visual untuk membuat kotak (qty4), tombol perintah, frame (qty2), label, tombol pilihan (qty4), gambar kotak (qty2) dan kotak teks.

Berikut tampilan preview dari program barcode maker yang kita akan buat.Untuk desain anda bisa membuat sesuai dengan

Option Explicit
Dim BCtype As Long

Private Sub makeBC()
Select Case BCtype
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub make39()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim CurVal As Long
Dim chksum As Long
Dim chkchr As String
Dim temp As String
Dim BC(43) As String
'3 of the 9 elements are wide: 0=narrow, 1=wide
BC(0) = '000110100' '0
BC(1) = '100100001' '1
BC(2) = '001100001' '2
BC(3) = '101100000' '3
BC(4) = '000110001' '4
BC(5) = '100110000' '5
BC(6) = '001110000' '6
BC(7) = '000100101' '7
BC(8) = '100100100' '8
BC(9) = '001100100' '9
BC(10) = '100001001' 'A
BC(11) = '001001001' 'B
BC(12) = '101001000' 'C
BC(13) = '000011001' 'D
BC(14) = '100011000' 'E
BC(15) = '001011000' 'F
BC(16) = '000001101' 'G
BC(17) = '100001100' 'H
BC(18) = '001001100' 'I
BC(19) = '000011100' 'J
BC(20) = '100000011' 'K
BC(21) = '001000011' 'L
BC(22) = '101000010' 'M
BC(23) = '000010011' 'N
BC(24) = '100010010' 'O
BC(25) = '001010010' 'P
BC(26) = '000000111' 'Q
BC(27) = '100000110' 'R
BC(28) = '001000110' 'S
BC(29) = '000010110' 'T
BC(30) = '110000001' 'U
BC(31) = '011000001' 'V
BC(32) = '111000000' 'W
BC(33) = '010010001' 'X
BC(34) = '110010000' 'Y
BC(35) = '011010000' 'Z
BC(36) = '010000101' '-
BC(37) = '110000100' '.
BC(38) = '011000100' '
BC(39) = '010101000' '$
BC(40) = '010100010' '/
BC(41) = '010001010' '+
BC(42) = '000101010' '%
BC(43) = '010010100' '* (used for start/stop character only)
If Text1.Text = ' Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = UCase(Text1.Text)
'Check for invalid characters, build temp string & calculate check sum
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
Select Case Cur
Case '0' To '9'
CurVal = Val(Cur)
Case 'A' To 'Z'
CurVal = Asc(Cur) - 55
Case '-'
CurVal = 36
Case '.'
CurVal = 37
Case ' '
CurVal = 38
Case '$'
CurVal = 39
Case '/'
CurVal = 40
Case '+'
CurVal = 41
Case '%'
CurVal = 42
Case Else 'oops!
Picture1.Print Cur & ' is Invalid'
Exit Sub
End Select
temp = temp & BC(CurVal) & '0' '0'= add intercharactor gap (1 narrow space)
chksum = chksum + CurVal
'Add Check Character? (rarely used, but i put it here anyway.)
If Check1(2).Value Then
chksum = chksum Mod 43
temp = temp & BC(chksum) & '0'
chkchr = Mid$('0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%*', chksum + 1, 1)
End If
'Add Start & Stop characters (must have 'em for valid barcodes)
temp = BC(43) & '0' & temp & BC(43)
'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If

'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 35 + Len(Bardata) * (5 + Check1(0).Value * 2) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata & chkchr;
End If
End Sub

Private Sub makei25()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim temp As String
Dim chksum As Long
Dim BC(11) As String
'2 of the 5 elements are wide: 0=narrow, 1=wide
BC(0) = '00110' '0
BC(1) = '10001' '1
BC(2) = '01001' '2
BC(3) = '11000' '3
BC(4) = '00101' '4
BC(5) = '10100' '5
BC(6) = '01100' '6
BC(7) = '00011' '7
BC(8) = '10010' '8
BC(9) = '01010' '9
BC(10) = '0000' 'Start chr
BC(11) = '100' 'Stop chr
If Text1.Text = ' Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = Text1.Text
'make even num of digits by adding a leading 0
If Len(Bardata) Mod 2 And Not Check1(2).Value Then Bardata = '0' & Bardata
If Not (Len(Bardata) Mod 2) And Check1(2).Value Then Bardata = '0' & Bardata
'Check for invalid characters and calculate check sum
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
If Cur < '0' Or Cur > '9' Then
Picture1.Print Cur & ' is Invalid'
Exit Sub
End If
'make checksum
If x Mod 2 Then
chksum = chksum + CLng(Cur) * 3
chksum = chksum + CLng(Cur)
End If
'add check chr to bardata (if selected)
If Check1(2).Value Then
chksum = (10 - chksum Mod 10) Mod 10
Bardata = Bardata & Chr$(48 + chksum)
End If
'interleave the code into a temp string - what'd you think the name meant?
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata) Step 2
For y = 1 To 5
temp = temp & Mid$(BC(Val(Mid$(Bardata, x, 1))), y, 1)
temp = temp & Mid$(BC(Val(Mid$(Bardata, x + 1, 1))), y, 1)
'add Start & Stop characters
temp = BC(10) & temp & BC(11)
'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If

'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 20 + Len(Bardata) * (2 + Check1(0).Value * 1.3) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata;
End If
End Sub

Private Sub make128()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim CurVal As Long
Dim chksum As Long
Dim temp As String
Dim BC(106) As String
'code 128 is basically the ASCII chr set.
'4 element sizes : 1=narrowest, 4=widest
BC(0) = '212222' '
BC(1) = '222122' '!
BC(2) = '222221' '
BC(3) = '121223' '#
BC(4) = '121322' '$
BC(5) = '131222' '%
BC(6) = '122213' '&
BC(7) = '122312' '
BC(8) = '132212' '(
BC(9) = '221213' ')
BC(10) = '221312' '*
BC(11) = '231212' '+
BC(12) = '112232' ',
BC(13) = '122132' '-
BC(14) = '122231' '.
BC(15) = '113222' '/
BC(16) = '123122' '0
BC(17) = '123221' '1
BC(18) = '223211' '2
BC(19) = '221132' '3
BC(20) = '221231' '4
BC(21) = '213212' '5
BC(22) = '223112' '6
BC(23) = '312131' '7
BC(24) = '311222' '8
BC(25) = '321122' '9
BC(26) = '321221' ':
BC(27) = '312212' ';
BC(28) = '322112' '<>
BC(31) = '212321' '?
BC(32) = '232121' '@
BC(33) = '111323' 'A
BC(34) = '131123' 'B
BC(35) = '131321' 'C
BC(36) = '112313' 'D
BC(37) = '132113' 'E
BC(38) = '132311' 'F
BC(39) = '211313' 'G
BC(40) = '231113' 'H
BC(41) = '231311' 'I
BC(42) = '112133' 'J
BC(43) = '112331' 'K
BC(44) = '132131' 'L
BC(45) = '113123' 'M
BC(46) = '113321' 'N
BC(47) = '133121' 'O
BC(48) = '313121' 'P
BC(49) = '211331' 'Q
BC(50) = '231131' 'R
BC(51) = '213113' 'S
BC(52) = '213311' 'T
BC(53) = '213131' 'U
BC(54) = '311123' 'V
BC(55) = '311321' 'W
BC(56) = '331121' 'X
BC(57) = '312113' 'Y
BC(58) = '312311' 'Z
BC(59) = '332111' '[
BC(60) = '314111' '
BC(61) = '221411' ']
BC(62) = '431111' '^
BC(63) = '111224' '_
BC(64) = '111422' '`
BC(65) = '121124' 'a
BC(66) = '121421' 'b
BC(67) = '141122' 'c
BC(68) = '141221' 'd
BC(69) = '112214' 'e
BC(70) = '112412' 'f
BC(71) = '122114' 'g
BC(72) = '122411' 'h
BC(73) = '142112' 'i
BC(74) = '142211' 'j
BC(75) = '241211' 'k
BC(76) = '221114' 'l
BC(77) = '413111' 'm
BC(78) = '241112' 'n
BC(79) = '134111' 'o
BC(80) = '111242' 'p
BC(81) = '121142' 'q
BC(82) = '121241' 'r
BC(83) = '114212' 's
BC(84) = '124112' 't
BC(85) = '124211' 'u
BC(86) = '411212' 'v
BC(87) = '421112' 'w
BC(88) = '421211' 'x
BC(89) = '212141' 'y
BC(90) = '214121' 'z
BC(91) = '412121' '{
BC(92) = '111143' '
BC(93) = '111341' '}
BC(94) = '131141' '~
BC(95) = '114113' ' *not used in this sub
BC(96) = '114311' 'FNC 3 *not used in this sub
BC(97) = '411113' 'FNC 2 *not used in this sub
BC(98) = '411311' 'SHIFT *not used in this sub
BC(99) = '113141' 'CODE C *not used in this sub
BC(100) = '114131' 'FNC 4 *not used in this sub
BC(101) = '311141' 'CODE A *not used in this sub
BC(102) = '411131' 'FNC 1 *not used in this sub
BC(103) = '211412' 'START A *not used in this sub
BC(104) = '211214' 'START B
BC(105) = '211232' 'START C *not used in this sub
BC(106) = '2331112' 'STOP

If Text1.Text = ' Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = Text1.Text

'Check for invalid characters, calculate check sum & build temp string
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
If Cur < ' ' Or Cur > '~' Then
Picture1.Print 'Invalid Character(s)'
Exit Sub
End If
CurVal = Asc(Cur) - 32
temp = temp + BC(CurVal)
chksum = chksum + CurVal * x
'Add start, stop & check characters
chksum = (chksum + 104) Mod 103
temp = BC(104) & temp & BC(chksum) & BC(106)

'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + (Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To (Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If

'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 30 + Len(Bardata) * (3 + Check1(0).Value * 2) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata;
End If
End Sub

Private Sub makeCodabar()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim CurVal As Long
Dim temp As String
Dim BC(19) As String
'Codabar, also known as NW-7
BC(0) = '0000011' '0
BC(1) = '0000110' '1
BC(2) = '0001001' '2
BC(3) = '1100000' '3
BC(4) = '0010010' '4
BC(5) = '1000010' '5
BC(6) = '0100001' '6
BC(7) = '0100100' '7
BC(8) = '0110000' '8
BC(9) = '1001000' '9
BC(10) = '0001100' '-
BC(11) = '0011000' '$
BC(12) = '1000101' ':
BC(13) = '1010001' '/
BC(14) = '1010100' '.
BC(15) = '0010101' '+
BC(16) = '0011010' 'start/stop A
BC(17) = '0101001' 'start/stop B
BC(18) = '0001011' 'start/stop C
BC(19) = '0001110' 'start/stop D
If Text1.Text = ' Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = Text1.Text

For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
Select Case Cur
Case '0' To '9'
CurVal = Val(Cur)
Case 'a' To 'd'
CurVal = Asc(Cur) - 81
Case '-'
CurVal = 10
Case '$'
CurVal = 11
Case ':'
CurVal = 12
Case '/'
CurVal = 13
Case '.'
CurVal = 14
Case '+'
CurVal = 15
Case Else 'oops!
Picture1.Print Cur & ' is Invalid'
Exit Sub
End Select
temp = temp & BC(CurVal) & '0' '0'= add intercharactor gap (1 narrow space)

'Add Start & Stop characters (using 'A' for both here)
temp = BC(16) & '0' & temp & BC(16)
'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If

Membuat Barcode Dengan Visual Basic

'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 30 + Len(Bardata) * (3 + Check1(0).Value * 2) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata;
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
Picture1.Width = Form1.Width - 360
End Sub

Cara Membuat Barcode Di Excel

Private Sub Option1_Click(Index As Integer)
Select Case Index
Case 0
Check1(2).ToolTipText = 'Optional'
Check1(2).Value = 0
Check1(2).Enabled = True
Case 1
Check1(2).ToolTipText = 'Optional'
Check1(2).Value = 0
Check1(2).Enabled = True
Case 2
Check1(2).ToolTipText = 'Not optional'
Check1(2).Value = 1
Check1(2).Enabled = False
Case 3
Check1(2).ToolTipText = 'Not used'
Check1(2).Value = 0
Check1(2).Enabled = False
End Select
BCtype = Index
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()
End Sub

Cara Membuat Program Barcode Dengan Visual Basic

Private Sub Check1_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub

Cara Membuat Program Barcode Dengan Visual Basic C++

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Clipboard.SetData Picture1.Image
End Sub